Why Should I Go To Church?

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Have you ever wondered what’s the point in going to church? Why do people go?

Firstly, church is more than a building, a religious talk, or a tick on the “religious check-list”. At church, you can experience and participate in a community of people who encourage and support each other. It’s about people who come together that are actively finding out more about who God is. Church should be a place where you can share your experiences, ideas, and support each other through the good times and the bad.

Church isn’t like a movie experience where you fill a seat and listen to someone talk. When you step into a church, what you’re walking into is a community of people – a real community where you can build friendships, ask questions, share thoughts and get involved. If you’ve never considered God before, and don’t know what He’s like, you can join a conversation where you can learn first-hand from people who know God personally.

Church is also a fantastic way to find answers to your questions about who God really is, and how He is relevant to your own life. It’s true, there are a lot of different opinions out there about God – whether He’s kind, horrible, or anything in between. Maybe you have had your own thoughts about God. What better way to find out what He is like than chatting to people who know him personally?

As well as this, you can learn how to start your own relationship with God. You can also learn how to understand what God has said in the Bible, and what it means for our own lives today. The Bible is full of messages about God’s love, kindness and promises of hope for us, so church is a brilliant way of getting to understand what these mean. Between hearing what God has done for other people, and learning about what God has already said and done, we can get a clear picture of God’s character. You can read more about that here.

If you’re not sure if you belong in church, don’t stress. Everyone is welcome to church, because everyone is important to God. You don’t have to fit the “Christian Stereotype” because churches are full of diverse and unique people. This is great to remember, because this means that at church you can see for yourself how God actively participates in the lives of different people.

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