How Do I Talk About Jesus?

Weird words Christians use and what they mean.jpg

It’s simple! Include Jesus in your conversation with the people around you. Just like you would talk about your partner, friend, or family member and the sweet things you’ve been up to, why not tell someone around you today about how Jesus has changed your life or what you’ve been talking to Him about lately. Your friends might have questions, don’t panic, you don’t need to know all the answers. If they ask you something you don’t know just say so, and you can explore the answers together.

You or your friends might have had this happen to you before…..You’ve had a conversation with a Christian about Jesus, and asking them questions. Maybe the conversation was getting interesting, and you were hearing what they’re saying…. and then they throw in a really weird word or phrase. You’re left thinking, “wow! That sounds really strange! What the heck is that supposed to mean?”.

Sometimes Christians unwittingly throw in words that they forget other people don’t normally hear on the street, leaving people confused.

It’s kinda like they’ve joined a club that you’re not in, and it can be super awkward sometimes to ask for clarity. We get it. After all, it’s hard to follow a conversation when you don’t understand the words people are using. The good news is when you are sharing your faith, you don’t need to use these words, and it’s best that you never do. Use words that make sense and simply tell your friends stories about how knowing Jesus has impacted you. Make it personal and keep it real.

If you have heard a few words thrown around that you don’t understand, we’re here to help! No question is too weird, so send us a message, and don’t be afraid to ask, but here’s a little head start for you....

Here are a few weird words Christians use, and what they mean:

Salvation: To be rescued from the ultimate consequence of sin (separation from God), and brought into a life of forgiveness and relationship with God. Sounds good, right? This also means you get to trade with Jesus a life of sin, for a life of love, hope, and joy.

Righteousness: To be made “right” with God. In other words, to be “righteous” is to be in right standing with Jesus, because you let Him take away your sin and you follow His ways. This means God sees you as holy, not as a sinner.

Sin: this is anything that rebels against or rejects God. Because God is loving, good, gentle, patient and kind, anything we choose to do opposite to this (such as hate, impatience, violence) is sin. Even though justice means that sin should be punished, because God is loving, He sent Jesus to take the punishment for us instead.

Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost: Is the person of God, who is with us right now on earth. We can’t see Him, but He is present with us everywhere all the time. Being a part of the trinity, a.k.a  God, He is loving, kind, good, and perfect. For those who want to know God, He is the one who speaks to us, guides us, and gives us the help we need to live a life of love, instead of the life of sin.

Gospel: The Greek word for good news. “Good news about what?” That Jesus came to earth on a mission to fix our relationship with God, and give us a new life, and a new hope. The books of the Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are called the “Gospels” because it tells us what Jesus did when He was on earth.

Old Testament: The part of the Bible before Jesus came. This is made of the first 39 “books” of the Bible.

New Testament: The part of the Bible where Jesus came (Gospels), and afterwards. The last 27 “books” of the Bible.

Trinity: This is an easy way to talk about the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit at the same time. They all make up the one God, are all connected, but still different from each-other.

Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah, Saviour, Word of God, Lamb of God, Yeshua, Lord, Emmanuel, Christ, King of Kings, Prince of Peace: Amazingly, all of these are talking about the same guy – Jesus. There are a bunch of different ways that people (and the Bible) refer to Jesus, particularly if they are highlighting a certain characteristic of what He’s like.

Holy: To be perfect and without sin. For example, Jesus is Holy

Sanctification: To be made holy (or, to be made squeaky-clean from sin). Lucky for us, Jesus gives us a hand, He’s the only one that can make this possible.

Born Again: The first guy who heard this word was pretty confused too (John 3:3)! This means that someone has decided to follow Jesus. Because they have received salvation, they get to have a new start and a chance for a better life following Jesus. The old “life” of sin is gone, and the new “life” of loving God and loving others has begun.

The Blood of the Lamb: If you haven’t heard this one before, it can sound pretty freaky! If you hear a Christian say this, don’t stress, you don’t have to call the RSPCA.  This is talking about Jesus, and the price He paid to give us salvation. Before Jesus, people sacrificed sheep as a temporary way to pay for sin (like a debt). When Jesus came, He sacrificed Himself to pay for the debt of everyone’s sin, for good. No more sacrificing sheep required!

That’s only a short list of strange things Christians can say, don’t be one of those people! Remember stay simple and don’t be weird.

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