How Can I Meet People and Learn More about God?

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Do you have questions about God, but aren’t too sure about attending church? Are you looking for a community of people who are happy to explore life’s big questions, in a no-pressure environment? Would you like to cut through the jargon to find out what Jesus is really all about? Then the Alpha series is a brilliant place to start!

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith.

Alpha is usually held over 11 weeks and is a series of talks, to help answer the big questions in life. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation.

It’s a place where you get the opportunity to find out about God, ask your questions and share your opinions in an open and safe environment. Each week, there is space for you to chat to a group of people over a meal or a coffee. After that, there’ll be a thirty-minute talk to provide you with a basic, but down to earth view of God, Jesus and Christianity. The topics cover main-line questions such as “Who is Jesus?”, “How does God guide us”, “How do I have faith” and “Why and how do I pray?”.

If the concept of God or the Bible is totally new to you, or you have your own views, don’t stress! After each talk, everyone gets the opportunity to share as much (or as little) as they prefer, about what you’ve just heard. This is the perfect place to raise a question, explore who God is, share your own totally honest thoughts, or hear other people’s ideas. Although some are run inside churches, Alpha courses are also run in café’s, universities, homes, and many other places all around the globe.

If you’re interested in finding an Alpha course near you, or have some questions, you can find more information here

Take A Step Closer - Charlie Mackesy


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