Does God Speak?

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Have you ever heard God speak to you? Now, I’m not talking about some kind of dramatic scene where the clouds part and a voice from above starts having a chat, although this has happened once or twice. But what would happen if you could actually talk to God? Better yet, what would happen if God decided to talk back? What would you ask Him? What would He say?

I have good news for you! God loves you, and wants a real relationship with you, and God is a God that communicates. Now, maybe you’ve heard of Jesus; He was the one who changed history by literally being God as a person on the earth. As God, but complete with a human body, He lived alongside a bunch of real people, experienced a real human life, and gave us a really good idea of God’s character. People talked to Jesus and He responded, but what about today? How do you have a real conversation with God when you don’t see Jesus walking down the street?

Jesus knew that people would ask this question. So, before He went anywhere, He let people know that He wasn’t abandoning anyone. He said God’s Spirit would always stick around to talk to us, guide us, and help us when we need Him. In that case, how do you hear from God when you can’t see Him? Wouldn’t it be easier if He just sent us a text? The truth is, in a way, He already has. One way you can hear from God is by checking what He said in the Bible.

God speaks to us individually all the time, that means He speaks to you all the time, the question is, are you listening?

God is super creative, and He totally understands that we are all unique. This means that the way He speaks from person to person can look different. There are hundreds and thousands, let’s say countless ways that God speaks, but here are a few more common ways;

  • A thought or a feeling that pops into your head out of no-where

  • God continually speaks to us through the Bible. It’s not just an old book but it’s relevant to us today and what we’re going through

  • A word or a sentence comes to mind, almost like your own voice talking in your head, but you have this peace and an inner knowing or resonating with you that it’s right

  • A picture, this could be an image that pops into your mind or some people even see like a movie playing in front of them

  • God speaks through dreams, it’s a great way of getting your attention especially when your mind is racing through the day and you’ve left no space for God to interrupt you.

  • God uses the world around us to speak to us; through nature, the surroundings or the circumstances you encounter

  • God will use other people to get your attention; it may be an encouragement or unexpected kindness from a friend or stranger.

Whatever way God chooses to speak to you, you can be sure that He is always listening and up for a chat. You are important to God. It’s totally ok if you don’t seem to hear from God straight away, sometimes it takes a little while. But I can guarantee that the more time you spend with Him, the better you’ll get at recognising when He’s talking.

Would you be up for a chat with God?


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How Can I Hear From God?